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His Holiness Dalai Lama, Mission Of Oneness







In this day and age, something wonderful is taking place on Earth. A tremendous shift in our human awareness is happening all over the world, which is already taking material shape as we speak. A New Reality is dawning. And even if there at the same time is much chaos and turmoil happening in our world, in our hearts light shines as never before. That light is the hope and faith in ending the old view of being separated and different from each other. We all are brothers and sisters despite the religious, racial or other differences. We all want the same thing.. to be happy! And if we really could drop the fear and judge, and accept each other just as we are, there would be unlimited possibilities in what we can achieve together as human race.

Each of us came into this world carrying something unique and special. A gift to share with others simply by being themselves, by following the joy and inspiration in their heart. What ever that inspiration might be, there are no limitations when comes to joy and creativity. Just imagine a world where we all do what we love. There is no doubt in my heart that such world is possible. A world without wars, a world without poverty. I do believe most of us have a deeper wish to help and contribute to our world in what ever way we can but often we struggle not knowing what we can do to help. It is actually simpler then we might believe. We can start right now, right from the place where we are by first becoming more compassionate and tolerant to ourselves. Only then we can start outwardly radiate the compassion towards others.

First we should start to learn to listen to our hearts. What it is that brings to us joy and freedom? What it is that our heart sing to? By having the courage to follow our heart we experience joy of living. And then that joy we spread outward to others and we inspire them to do the same. I find very inspiring the message of His Holiness Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu in one of the introduction videos for the BOOK OF JOY. This message is so simple and beautiful, and it touches directly the heart.

Desmond Tutu: You are made for perfection. You are not yet perfect. You Are The Masterpiece In The Making.”

His Holiness Dalai Lama: “Growth it takes time. Minute by minute, day by day, month by month, year by year, decade by decade.”

Desmond Tutu: “START WHERE YOU ARE! Do What You Can. You Will Be Surprised By The Joy! :)”

I think we all are a part of this our lifetime mission on earth for growth and evolution of our human race. Each of us is contributing something precious and valuable to our world simply by living their life and being who they feel in their heart to be. There is no established rules of how one chose to contribute, or the way one chose to do it. If there is pure intention of goodness in the heart then already the person is adding something beautiful to this world.


As His Holiness Dalai Lama said: “The message and the focus should became that of Love and Tolerance. If we spread this message daily, then from one becomes two; from two, ten; from ten hundred; from hundred, thousand and so on.”

It is in our hands and each little step counts.

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